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"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I, Lord, send me!"
Isaiah 6:8

Kimberly is a life ministries coach, author, communicator, survivor and advocate who specializes in taking a real approach to helping people find their joy and create a life filled with laughter.
Life gets hard and she wants to help you answer the question of "what now?". She does this through a unique approach of drawing on her real-life experiences to help you live your life on purpose.
Who better to coach you, than someone who has been in the depths just like you, someone who has walked through the fire just like you, someone who has survived trauma and someone who knows what it's like to feel like no one in the world understands?
Kimberly is an overcomer, and she wants to help teach you how to be one too!

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